Diamond Logos Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
for Diamond Logos® Teachers Purpose of the Code of Ethics This Code of Ethics lays down the ethical principles essential to maintain in teaching and practice of the Diamond Logos® Teachings. Ethical principles are based on well-founded standards, virtues, obligations and benefits for the work, the teachers and students of Diamond Logos® Teachings. They are designed to give a frame in which cooperation among teachers and the relationship between teacher and students can happen in a harmonious and ethical way. To safeguard these principles, a Committee of Ethics has been established by the Diamond Logos® Association. Functioning of the Committee of Ethics The committee for ethics meets regularly, to review and discuss any matters concerning the ethics of the Diamond Logos® Association, their teachers and students. If ethical conflicts arise between teachers or teachers and students that cannot be resolved by mutual consent, clarification and advice can be asked from the Committee of Ethics of the Diamond Logos® Academy. The committee will be available to mediate ethical conflicts with the guidance of Faisal Muqaddam. The guidelines for the Committee are set by the Code of Ethics as follows: General Principles and guidelines for teachers - Contributing to the expansion of DLT ethically and individually in their own way. - Being aware of the responsibility in transmitting and teaching DL on the level of the Being and the Soul. - Maintaining objectivity and cultivating Diamond Body with awareness towards own narcissistic need. - Having regular supervision with Faisal or senior teacher. - Having an ongoing commitment to improve their professional knowledge and skills. - Being committed to their own personal development as an ongoing student and teacher on the Diamond Logos® Teachings. - Maintaining a program of self-development, including attending the Teacher’s Training each year (unless unable to attend due to unexpected circumstances). - Taking care of their own health and psychic stability in order to be able to take care of their students. - Transmitting of essential qualities through understanding, personal experience and embodiment. - Practicing within the limit of their knowledge and skills and not teaching anything for which they are not competent or qualified. If this occurs, the teacher reserves the right to refer the student to an appropriate teacher/therapist. - The teachers also reserve the right not to work with certain topics where they have judgement, prejudice or own limitations. - Teaching according to the Diamond Logos® principles as taught by Faisal Muqaddam. - When using material from other traditions or authors, the sources need to be referred to. - Teachers recognize the need to refer a student to another teacher, when necessary (e.g. unable to establish a rapport of trust or empathy or reaching one’s own limitations in capacity). Principles and guidelines towards professional practice - Professional relationship is conducted in a spirit of mutual respect. This includes the respect of the student’s culture, social and religious background and gender identity. - All communication between teachers about student is held on a professional basis thus respectful of confidentiality (see “guidelines of confidentiality”).
- Teachers will be aware of not using titles for which they are not appropriately qualified. - A teacher will promote DLT in a truthful and accurate manner in any brochure, advertisement or website, using the DL Logo. - Teachers commit that all privacy of personal data is handled according to the data protection law of the country they are teaching in. Principles towards students - Putting safety and well-being of students on the level of Being and Soul and overall human functioning first. - To safeguard the student’s wellbeing, the teachers reserve the right to question the student’s continuation of participation. - Teaching to benefit of students as the highest priority. - Maintaining and developing trust between students and ourselves as their teachers. - Respecting the student’s ultimate freedom on their path and their advancement. - Confidentiality is fundamental in keeping the trust. Teachers respect confidentiality of anything they learn from students (see “guidelines of confidentiality”). - The teacher is obliged for maintaining and establishing proper boundaries in relationship with students (such as abuse of power, sexual and emotional misconduct) - Before initiating any professional relationship with a student, the teacher gives all general information about the DL process and points out that this process does not replace medical consultations, psychotherapy or treatment for psychopathology. Guidelines of confidentiality - Teachers keeps any personal information that they learned or recorded confidential and keep the opinion they formed in the course of practice and teachings to himself. - By keeping it properly secured, teachers ensure that confidential information about any student, for which they are responsible (e.g. any written or recorded records), is protected. - Any recordings or filming of a session or group is done only with the consent of the student/students. - Individual case presentation in training and/or group supervision are only to be presented with the consent of the student. - In individual supervision the teacher presents the case without requiring the permission of the student and without mentioning names. *******************************************************************************************************************For any matters concerning ethical conduct in DLT, you can contact one of the members of the ethical committee via e-mail: